We want to create growth and opportunities for people and businesses – Our companions!
We incubate and invest in internet and digital businesses. We help our businesses to gain a competitive advantage by leveraging synergy across our family and by creating a learning and unselfish culture, where business owners and digital experts help each other to develop, grow and succeed.
We provide knowledge, technology and if needed financial and administrational support with the goal to create market-leading companies and help our companions to focus on growth and development.
Small business areas are very effective and give you a feeling of personal ownership, passion and the ability to make fast decisions. We shall grow us smaller
We challenge each other to raise the bar for stellar execution. We prioritize speed over safety and we would rather employ those with PASSION over those with the right SKILLS.
Good behavior doesn’t excuse bad performance, and visa-versa
Our family of businesses has EVERYTHING an online business could dream of. We grow together, help each other and we ask for help. We believe in good karma and familiy comes first
I juni 2023 investerede vi i Zapp Mobility, som laver intelligente ladeløsninger til biler🔋🚗 Efter investeringen rykkede co-founder Janus Broch Mols ind på vores kontor,
November, 2024
Heymate sells Zapp Mobility to NRGI
October, 2024
Heymate sells all shares in Bazoom Group for a nine-figure amount, making it the biggest exit to date
September, 2024
Heymate and Admill sell all shares in Adlab
June, 2024
Heymate becomes investor and co-founder of BANKEN, Aahus Foodhall
May, 2024
Heymate sells all shares in eBlaztr
April, 2024
Handyhand acquires Happy Helper A/S, the leading danish platform for private cleaning services
October, 2023
Vores Mediehus changes its name to Vores Digital and undergoes a major re-branding.
June, 2023
Heymate/Admill/Adlab acquires 25 % of Zapp Mobility, one of the leading electric car charging operators in Denmark.
June, 2023
Heymate increases their ownership in Handyhand by investing further through a capital increase in the company.
April, 2023
Obsidian Group is sold to Findos – Heymate makes full exit and sell all shares
January, 2023
October, 2022
June, 2022
December, 2021
June, 2021
Spain Holiday is sold to the German giant Holidu
May, 2021
May, 2021
Heymedia Partners ApS opens their new international office in Malaga with client managers and specialists from 6 different nationalities
March, 2021
Admill ApS and YM Invest enters a joint venture, founding Adlab ApS, a new strong player in the affiliate market with more than 20 strong websites
February, 2021
Bilhandel ApS is founded with Rasmus Krath and Søren Braad as partners and management
January, 2021
Heymate launches Vindicate.io, a tool which can identify the extensive fraud with cloned cars and cross border trade
December, 2020
Heymate and family hits 43 mio DKK in yearly revenue and 37 Full time employees + about 55 freelancers (Spain Holiday not included)
November, 2020
Heymate acquires 25% of eBlaztr, the worlds first hard cores transportable gaming computer
October, 2020
Heymate takes over the 4. Floor and expands the office with another 320 m2
October, 2020
Heymedia ApS is founded with Mark Yuen as CEO and Partner. Heymedia is our digital performance marketing agency. On top of many interesting clients, Heymedia has a strategic partnership with Jan Lehrmann from Løvens hule.
July, 2020
Vores Mediehus is launched in 409 danish cities, e.g. www.vores-silkeborg.dk og www.vores-randers.dk
June, 2020
February, 2020
February, 2020
January, 2020
Heymedia Partners is founded with Nicolai Klausen, Nikolaj Østergaard and Søren Fuhr as partners. Heymedia Partners is a broker og linkbuilding articles between media and clients all over the world
December, 2019
Heymate and family hits 29 mio DKK in yearly revenue and 25 Full time employees + about 25 freelancers (Spain Holiday not included)
October, 2019
Heymate and family moves to a bigger office in Vestergade, Aarhus
April, 2019
March, 2019
Trademate ApS is founded with Resurs Bank as investor and co-owner of 9%. Development of nembilhandel.dk begins
November, 2018
December, 2018
Heymate Aps, Jan Lehrmann and Jannich Friis Petersen acquires 75% of Spainholiday.com in Malaga, an International marketplace for short term rentals in Spain
CVR: 39122049
Tel: +45 6966 3800
Email: kontakt@heymate.dk
Vestergade 48H, 2-4. sal
8000 Aarhus C
Vestergade 29
1454 København K
25 SE 2nd Ave, Suite 1038
FL 33131